Luckily times have changed drastically. In recent years due to the popularity of the internet. It is now easier than ever for an independent band to get their music distributed to their fans. I haven't performed a live gig in several years but am quite confortable selling my music over the internet as an independent musician. No band managers, no band politics, no egos. There is, however, quite a lot of work involved when distributing ones music exclusively on the internet as mp3 downloads. Having said this, I am slowly but surely turning my marketing and promotional activities into a well-oiled machine.
Selling their music is the best way to get money from their hard work right away. Getting distribution was hard for a long time, until the internet came along. The internet is receiving a lot of criticism from the music industry because of illegal downloads, but the popularity of internet shopping could work in favor of the internet musician. As previously mentioned, they don't have to be signed with a record label to record their music. It's not cheap, but they can purchase time in a recording studio to record quality, professional sounding albums. There is also new software that allows them to indulge in recording at home. This is a fraction of the cost of a professional studio but with the right audio recording software combined with the right 'ears,' (ideally a sound engineer), home recording is the way to go and I am already hearing vast differences in the quality of home recording efforts by independent musicians....and let's face it, audio recording software is only going to get better.
Promoting an album is easier than ever too. Not only can albums be offered for sale at shows, but independent artists can spread your website there as well. Loyal fans will spread the word of the music, and direct sales to the band webssite. Social networking sites are good for attracting new fans too. A link on a social networking site to the bands sales page will let new fans hear what the band is all about.
The independent musician chose to make music their career. Many musicians don't make a lot of money, but it doesn't have to be that way. Distributing ones own music is easy, and it promotes an independent band more effectively than what could possibly be done through word of mouth.
Independent musicians work hard. Don't let the speed of the internet fool you into thinking otherwise.

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